Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 6?

Haven't written on this blog for a while because I've been busy for a time with term papers and midterms...

I've still gone to the gym and worked out as normal and eat just as good as the TSC plan tells to do.

I felt a bit better for today's workout. I went on the bike for 15min at a rate of high 90s RPM. I'm usually at around high 70s the weeks before.

Leg Press was easy until I met the 450lb which was the last set. Damn that was hard, but I pressed on for 5 or 6. Squats were painful, but I've achieved 225lb for the first time since a long time...probably back in my football days which was about 6-7 years ago.

I also did my shoulders today. The normal military press and shoulder raises exercises.

When I hit the scale, I noticed I was at 306lb...It's not much of an upgrade but still lost 10lbs in maybe 2-3 weeks. For some reason I miraculously lose a ton of weight during the weekends.

This week is my last week til SPRING BREAK...but I'm not going anywhere so I'll be having free time to do sprints at the park and decrease my sprint times.

Let's continue on! Let's make it happen!

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